The UN Turism and IDB Observatory consists of an Ibero-American network of academic collaborators, including universities, higher education institutions, academic experts, and researchers. They have joined the project to actively contribute and participate in its various endeavors.
Activities and commitments:
Academic collaborators support the work of the Observatory by collecting, analyzing, updating, and disseminating the legislation applicable to the tourism sector in LAC. They are also involved in other academic activities related to Tourism Law. On one hand, academic collaborators are responsible for gathering all national/subnational laws and regulations related to tourism in their respective countries, following a work plan and a standardized data collection method established by the UN Turism and the IDB. Furthermore, as academic experts and researchers in Tourism Law, they actively participate in the analyses and diagnostics conducted by the Observatory. They are also involved in its efforts to disseminate, review, and improve subnational, national, and international tourism legislation.
Rights and benefits:
The establishment of an Ibero-American network of academic collaborators within the framework of the Observatory brings about numerous benefits for the academic sector in the LAC region. In general terms, research and scientific production in the field of Tourism Law are enhanced, fostering the involvement of universities and institutes affiliated with the member countries of the UN Turism and the IDB. Likewise, it promotes the creation of cooperation spaces among representatives of different institutions, facilitating the exchange of professors, students, and researchers in the region. In particular, universities, higher education institutions, academic experts, and researchers who choose to engage with the Observatory and actively participate in its activities benefit from the status of "Academic Collaborator of the Tourism Law Observatory for LAC." This recognition is officially granted through certification and a logo created by UN Turism and IDB.
Furthermore, academic collaborators will have the following rights:
Submit requests to collaborate on academic, educational/training, and research projects in the field of Tourism Law, within the areas of interest defined by the Observatory at any given time or as proposed by academic collaborators. This provision allows for active involvement in shaping and contributing to projects within the scope of Tourism Law.
Obtener el reconocimiento de ONU Turismo para titulaciones que tengan por objeto principal el Derecho del Turismo.
Presentation of applications:
Participation in the network of academic collaborators of the Observatory is open to all universities and higher education institutions with relevant knowledge and expertise in Tourism Law, regardless of their legal form or denomination. Eligible institutions must be recognized by the academic authorities of countries in the LAC region, including other UN Turism and IDB member countries such as Spain, France, and Portugal. This inclusive approach promotes a wide range of expertise and contributions to the field of Tourism Law.