Iniciativa conjunta de ONU Turismo y el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID )
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"Turismo Lex" is a database jointly created by UN Turism and IDB, focusing on legislation applicable to the tourism sector. Its purpose is to gather, categorize, and systematize the regulations relevant to tourism in the LAC region.

  1. The legislation on tourism has gained recognition in recent years as a legal discipline (referred to as "Tourism Law") and as an important policy tool to achieve responsible, sustainable, and accessible tourism for all, through a harmonious, coherent, and updated set of regulations for the sector. Within this sector, there has been significant growth in bilateral and regional agreements, national and subnational legislation, along with other international secondary legislative instruments and case law. Furthermore, Tourism Law is a complex legal discipline due to various reasons: On one hand, because of its interdisciplinary nature, Tourism Law comprises a cross-section of public and private norms or principles derived from administrative law, consumer law, commercial law, civil law, tax law, and labor law. On the other hand, concerning applicable regulations, tourism activities are not only subject to regulations directly related to tourism but also to regulations promulgated for other areas (for instance, environmental regulations, conservation of cultural and historical heritage, or infrastructure development). In addition to all this, there is the profound fragmentation of Tourism Law at the international level and significant disparities existing in legal frameworks and regulations within the sector from one country to another. The need for the services provided by the Observatory becomes evident when compared to the constant growth in demand for information and technical assistance in locating information related to legislation applicable to the sector.

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